
Specialists in sanitary process equipment

Basket for Top Entry Filters - GAF, Hayward, Eaton, Loeffler

HD process can provide a range of top entry filter baskets which are interchangeable with GAF, Hayward, Eaton, Loefflerr and other brands. These are available with options for perforated plate, wedgewire, self-supporting mesh (grid), perf plate plus gauze and

These are provided in all sizes including (number) #1 and #2 with various retention options off-the-shelf.

Photos attached here show 1mm perforated plate, 5mm perforated plate, mesh grid baskets with retention of approximately 1.5 mm, and perforated plate baskets with internal gauze of approximately 400 µm. These baskets can be set up to provide filtration without the use of bags – basket only filtration. They also provide the holding point for the bag handle and can be set up to enable both double and single filter bags.

  • #2 filters have inferred hold-up volume of approximately 17 L (a torpedo will reduce this number)
  • #2 filters have inferred surface area of 0.4 m²
  • #2 filter L= 730mm D= 170mm, #1 Filter L= 400mm D= 170mm
  • Perforated plates normally provide a 30 to 40% open area. Wedgewire baskets commonly provide a 40% open area.
  • Mesh grid type baskets would typically provide an open area in excess of 50 percent.
  • #1 filters are approximately half of surface areas and volume of #2 filters (8L and 0.2 m² respectively)
  • These baskets can be used with double bag, single bag and no bag.

See also information on BAGS;


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+ 64 9 580 2520 | mail@hdprocess.co.nz | 1/10C Maurice Rd Penrose Auckland