
Specialists in sanitary process equipment

HD process provide foodgrade torpedoes (aka Fillers or Balloons) for top entry bag filters (sizes #1 and #2) off the shelf.

These torpedoes are provided to;

  • Reduce the retained hold-up volume
  • reduce the total hold-up weight for an operator removing the bag
  • enable the bag to stay in position in the event the filter is back flushed. Back flushing can occur intentionally (being pumped reverse) but also unintentionally – e.g. when filling a tank unless of valve is closed exactly on time the flow may reverse through the filter.

  • #2 filters have inferred hold-up volume of approximately 17 L without torpedo (a torpedo reduces this number to around 7L)
  • #1 filters have inferred hold-up volume of approximately 8L without torpedo (a torpedo reduces this number to around 3L)


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+ 64 9 580 2520 | mail@hdprocess.co.nz | 1/10C Maurice Rd Penrose Auckland